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Caries Care


Caries is an inflammatory phenomenon that affects the outermost part of the tooth (enamel and dentin) and is mainly caused by the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Caries is one of the most common health problems in the world. In fact, it is estimated that nearly every person on the planet, at least once in their life, has had to deal with this condition in childhood, adolescence or advanced age. For this reason it is important never to neglect your dental hygiene and at the appearance of the first symptoms rely on experts in the sector like us at the Bracchetti Dental Clinic in Milan who carry out timely and effective interventions so that the carious process does not get worse.

Causes and symptoms of tooth decay

We often hear about tooth decay and alleged causes, but what are the real causes? The main enemy of our teeth is plaque! This substance, derived from the combination of saliva and food, is rich in bacteria and is deposited on the teeth and if it is not eliminated with proper dental hygiene, the acids contained in it damage the tooth and make bacteria penetrate causing decay.

The main cause of caries has been identified, which are the most common symptoms?

  • Modification of the color of the enamel: In the first stage of caries the acids contained in the plaque damage the enamel causing the tooth to lose its natural shine, giving way to a chalk white color or a dark pigmentation .
  • Increased sensitivity of the teeth: The attack of these acids and bacteria continues up to the dentin, through which the impulses are transmitted from the enamel to the nerves of the tooth, causing hypersensitivity of the area and making us feel pangs of pain and/ or sensitivity during or after eating cold or hot or sweet foods.
  • Tooth pain: If the caries is not treated, the penetration of bacteria continues reaching the pulp, that is the central part of the tooth rich in blood vessels and nerves, causing severe inflammation.

This can turn into an infection, and if neglected for a long time can cause difficulty in chewing, permanent damage to the tooth, dental abscesses and cysts. Although sometimes cavities can be completely asymptomatic, it is important to remember that it is essential not to overlook these signs and to immediately contact your trusted specialist. In the next paragraph we will address in detail how we at the Bracchetti Dental Clinic in Milan have been dealing with the problem for years, quickly giving back a smile to every patient.

How to cure cavities?

As we have seen so far, the carious process is gradual, in fact, the infection goes through several stages that will require different types of interventions, but they all have in common a mechanical cleaning of the tooth and a subsequent reconstruction of the removed area. Obviously, the deeper the infection, the more cleaning will include the removal of a larger portion of the tooth. Contrary to what one might think, the removal of caries is not a painful operation and is performed under anesthesia, thus ensuring maximum peace of mind for patients.

Sometimes, on the other hand, to treat caries substances are used that infiltrate the surface of the affected tooth, and help remineralize the enamel. These are super conservative techniques, which sometimes allow you to resolve caries without affecting and/ or removing the enamel with a drill.

Prevention is your best ally

What we at the Bracchetti Dental Clinic in Milan recommend to our patients is to always have excellent oral hygiene and not to forget that prevention is the best ally to fight cavities, but not only. In fact, as we have seen in the previous paragraphs, the main cause of caries formation is poor oral hygiene that allows plaque to accumulate on the teeth, therefore, to prevent it from arising, it is essential:

  • Brush your teeth with a good toothbrush after each meal (at least 3 times a day)
  • Use of dental floss (at least once a day)
  • Mouthwash rinses
  • Dental cleaning and check-up by the dentist at least every 6 months
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sugars
  • Quit smoking

Contact us for a check-up and a dental cleaning, we at the Bracchetti Dental Clinic in Milan will take care of the well-being of your teeth not only for a beautiful smile, but above all for your well-being.

If you would like to make an appointment at the Bracchetti Dental Clinic in Milan click Request form - Or you can write us on whatsapp and if you want to talk to the secretary you can do so easily by calling the office by clicking here

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Our patients have chosen us for ...

The clinical team lead by Guido and Veronica Bracchetti is committed to this work because they love to take on difficult challenges. They are passionate about doing their job well and prioritize precision and details. They are highly motivated and prepared to exceed expectations and achieve excellent results for patients. This often means they face clinical situations and problems which other dentists have not been able to resolve. The goal of the clinical team is to go beyond patients expectations and give them even better results than what they originally requested.


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The Bracchetti Dental Practice is the reference point for the research and development of the best solutions on the continent

Via Durini, 27 - 20122 Milan Italy - tel +39 02 76023438 P. VAT 10564240967

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